Saturday, November 30, 2019

Restrictive/ non restrictive interventions free essay sample

This is a form of intervention, which usually aims to prevent the movement of an individual or to move them from a dangerous incident. This can be by bodily contact or by moving of the environment eg: closing doors. Its stops the person from freely moving. It has risks to both those who use this method, those who you use this method on if not done correctly, and those around. Non-restrictive interventions – removing the item etc. that may cause the person stress and anxiety. HSC 3045- 1. 3/1. 4 Four categories of challenging behavior/ physical intervention: Restraint Holding Positive touching Presence HSC 3045-1. 3/1. 4 Restrictive interventions are not to be used as a regular tool for managing behavior and there is a lot of guidance on when and how these can be used. E. g,‘guidance on the use of reasonable force’, available at the Department of Education, and the Challenging Behavior Foundation. Challenging behaviors may include repetitive/obsessive, withdrawn, aggressive, self-injurious, disruptive, anti-social or illegal, verbally abusive. We will write a custom essay sample on Restrictive/ non restrictive interventions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page HSC 3045 1. 6 Restraint: Defined as the positive application of force with the intention of overpowering a child. Practically, this means any measure, or tecnique designed to completely restrict a child’s mobility or to prevent a child from leaving, for example: Any technique involving a child being held on the floor (‘prone facedown’ techniques may not be used in any circumstances) Any technique which involves the child being held by two or more people Any technique involving a child being held by one person if the balance of power is so great that the child is effectively over powered. Eg, where an adult is holding the child under the age of ten. Locking or bolting a door in order to contain or prevent a child from leaving The significant distinction between this first category and the others 1. Restraint is defined as the positive application of force with the intention of over powering a child. The intention is to over power the child, completely restriction the child’s mobility. The other categories include/provide the child with varying degrees of freedom and mobility. 2. Holding: This includes anything, any measure or technique which involved the child being held firmly by one person, so long as the child retains a degree of mobility and can leave if determined enough. Positive touching: This includes minimum contact in order to lead, guide, usher or block a child; applied in a manner, which permits the child, quite a lot of freedom and mobility. 4. Presence: A form of control using no contact, such as standing in front of a child or obstructing a door way to negotiate with the child; but allowing the child the freedom to leave if they wish www. proceduresonline. com/greatermnchester/childcare/bur/chapters/pphysint. html HSC 3045-1. 6 When restrictive interventions may/not be used. Only trained members of staff should use this. It can be used to: Diffuse situations e. g. to separate a person from a trigger To protect others e. g. children and young people, staff members Prevent damage to property It must not be used: As a punishment With self harmers There are planned interventions and unplanned interventions. The tecniques used must be appropriate to the behaviors displayed and the individual child. HSC 3045-1. 4 Restrictive interventions are serious and you need to protect both the child from harm and yourself from allegations. It is therefore extremely important that you follow procedures for reporting and recording the use of restrictive and physical interventions. EXPLAIN WHO NEEDS TO BE INFORMED OF ANY INCIDENTS WHERE RESTRICTIVE INTERVENTIONS HAVE BEEN USED Manager Social worker All staff Physiotherapist Behavior officer Parents Health and safety officer Children in the class Task 3 HSC- 1. 5 WHY USE THE LEAST RESTRCTIVE INTERVENTIONS To model behavior and to promote positive behavior Will avoid making situations escalate Prevents risk of damage to a child physically or mentally, especially if a child has learning difficulties or has suffered abuse Gives the child/young person more decency and respect, therefore they will respect you SAFEGURDS IN PLACE You must consider alternative methods first There should be a trained member of staff dealing with the situation You must have a policy and adhere to the correct procedures There should be two staff always, probably one observing the child’s behavior. A plan with both the parent and the child must be agreed on how to deal with this You must avoid contact with sensitive body parts You should not put a child face down HSC 3045-2. 1 Proactive- Before something happens Reactive- After it has happened HSC 3045 – 2. 2/2. 3 The teacher plans her lesson thoroughly to provide continuous stability and routine. Staff build trust with the pupils in order to make them less anxious We have class rules and class consequences We provide resources that are accessible by all abilities There are times in the classroom that we will need to use reactive strategies: Some children may require a subtle or correction when sitting on the carpet for circle time. I usually stop what I am doing and ask, â€Å" Are you ok Child A? † When I notice that a child is about to do something or is in the middle of doing something wrong, I raise my eyebrows and they usually move on and stop what they are doing. Some reactive strategies may require some form of physical intervention in order to keep the child and other around safe. For example; I was given a one on one role on a school outing and was responsible for the safety of and Autistic child. We were crossing a main road and he stopped half way across. He did not respond to verbal command so I had to lift him across the road against his will.

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